The investment bank of Saxony-Anhalt (Investitionsbank Sachsen-Anhalt) is the central financing institution in the region and supports companies, creative ideas and innovative projects with subsidies, subsidised credits and guarantees. The creation and expansion of companies in Dessau-Rosslau is supported in particular through a variety of available programmes with attractive support ceilings. Furthermore, the investment bank organises regular consultation days here in the Bauhaus City for local companies, during which the financing consultants of the investment bank of Saxony-Anhalt are available on site.
In addition to offices of all major banks, you will also find regional financing partners in Dessau-Rosslau who have proved to be reliable partners in the realisation of entrepreneurial ideas. Both the Stadtsparkasse Dessau savings bank and the Volksbank Dessau-Anhalt eG people’s bank each have a professional service for companies and corporations and support local businesses in carrying out their planned investments.
In addition to support while hiring, the local employment agency also offers a skilled service for employers, which provides comprehensive advice and support. Its services for companies also include, among others, the pre-selection of candidates and suggestions to fill vacancies, the allocation of recruitment grants as well as starting and further qualifications for trainees and employees.
Dessau-Rosslau has a number of attractive properties, plots of land, private residential neighbourhoods and redevelopment areas. The municipal funding scheme for urban development and the programme “Reshaping the City – East” offer attractive funding opportunities for investors and real estate developers as well as for individuals wishing to construct. Being the cradle of modern architecture, the Bauhaus City also offers space in which to carry out innovative building concepts and uses of buildings.
In Dessau-Rosslau there are various possibilities of support for people interested in setting up a business or for newly-founded businesses. In addition to workshops provided by renowned academic institutes on how to prepare the setting-up of a company on site and on the funding and financing programmes provided by the investment bank of Saxony-Anhalt, the office for business development also carries out further training to receive a qualification. The office for business development of Dessau-Rosslau offers a comprehensive accompanying service and at the same time carries out further training courses with recent company founders. This means that any adult can receive free and expert information on how to sustainably set oneself up as self-employed, as well as practical tips and economic know-how. In addition, participants receive an allowance.
Your direct contact person in the office for business development of Dessau-Rosslau is:
Katrin Hochberger
+49 340 204 22 80
Informationsbroschüre 2021
(PDF / 1.6 MB) >>
Kostenfreie Beratung zu Förder- und Finanzierungsfragen in Dessau-Roßlau
Jetzt Termin vereinbaren:
+49 340 260 11 21
Aktuelle Fördertipps:
Unternehmensnachfolge (PDF / 0.4 MB) >>
Meisterprämie für Handwerksbetriebe (PDF / 0.6 MB) >>
Mittelstands- und Gründerfonds (PDF / 0.2 MB) >>
Investitionsbank Sachsen-Anhalt
+49 800 560 07 57
Arbeitsgeberservice der
Agentur für Arbeit
+49 800 455 55 20
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Fachkraft im Fokus
Regionalberatung Dessau